
Friday, June 24, 2011

carob cashew bites

carob cashew bites

sweet but not overly sweet
chewy, almost fudgy
healthified fudge.....have i ever mentioned i really *dislike* that word healthified-  i do , i really, really do but for the life of me i cannot think of another word

goodified...nah that doesn't sound right
we'll stick with healthified for now

Monday, June 20, 2011

coconut macaroons

coconut macaroons
sometimes we all want to be a wannabe- the spice girls even made a song about it

this is the story about coconut who envied banana who was the biggest wannabe in town; coconut wanted to be part of the wannabe crowd; coconut debuted as the wannabe macaroon without all that eggy business

in walks almond who wants some of the macaroon action

partnered together they made the cutest & tastiest little coconut macaroons all without turning on the oven

Sunday, June 12, 2011

blueberry peach galette

blueberry peach galette

i totally sang this song while making the galette- you would too. i remember when this song first came out, tell me again why it was such a big ht- oh that's right because you hear it  once and you can't help but sing along and keep singing and singing and singing...even mr spencer my big orange cat was singing along.

Monday, June 6, 2011

baby spinach + cherry salad // maple balsamic vinaigrette

baby spinach + cherry salad // maple balsamic vinaigrette
 healthy eats- springtime treats- okay that was a bit corny, not corny in a way a corn dog is but corny as in dorky. 98% percent of the time i eat very balanced and healthy diet, first glance of this blog one would think otherwise with all the chocolaty treats that seem to find their way into my posts. i am certainly a believer that a well rounded diet and lifestyle always, I mean ALWAYS has room for dessert or something sweet to end the day. but this post is featuring the flip side; my crunchy, green & raw side- that kinda makes me sound like a hippy biker dude or a rabbit.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

hiking with friends


"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom"
Marcel Proust.

justin and i had finally freed up sometime last weekend for hiking with our friends jaime and mel. jaime & mel had the day planned for us, all we had to do was show up. it was great spending time with them- it is easy for me to get into a routine and stick with that routine for months at a time, easy for me to forget how important it is to spend time with friends. this weekend reminded me how good it feels not be always be so structured and take a day or two not planning out my entire day and having the need to always cross that last thing off my list before i can relax. the reality is there will always be a list, there will always be one more thing to do. i have come to realize it doesn't need to get done right that very minute, the world is not going to end if i didn't vacuum the floor or put away the clean dishes. i am becoming more aware that those little moments of doing nothing are just as important if not more important than those moments of doing something.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

no bake chocolate peanut butter banana cookies- cpbb's

no bake chocolate peanut butter banana cookies- cpbb's

have you noticed a trend- i really like chocolate, peanut butter & banana's
i bought a case of dark chocolate dreams peanut butter- yeah i needed a case
i have an english muffin with peanut butter ( dark chocolate dreams, cinnamon raisin swirl or white chocolate pb) everyday (except sunday) with a banana
i HOARD banana's just ask justin- he told me to stop hoarding and start eating my stockpile
 i eat peanut butter by the spoonful at my desk
yeah you could say i have a peanut butter, banana chocolate addiction
these cookies support my addiction -
and  you don't need to turn the oven on to create these tasty treats; bonus!
i also made some pretty rad peanut butter chocolate cupcakes (you heard right, i said rad admit it you say rad all the time too), but we're talking cookies not cupcakes today, lets save the cupcakes for another day- go on an start your own banana peanut butter chocolate addiction, you won't be sorry!

may flowers & {diy} chalkboard garden markers


this weekend was chock full of seedlings, mulch, weeding, crushing of cutworms and plenty of sun. it is amazing how quickly may's garden takes form after a wet, cold spring bringing with it loads of color, lush green growth and towards the end a perfect planting day for the garden. after months of tending to the start of the garden in the seed house, then to the greenhouse it was time to introduce the kids to the great wide open- or in this case a nice warm raised bed full of organic compost & pro-mix where they will fight for survival against the elements, cutworms, cucumber beetles, raccoon's & skunks- its no easy feat surviving those first few weeks, but with a little help from me & mother nature most of them will make it.