
Friday, October 24, 2014

cinnamon apple pecan pull apart bread

Apple Pecan Cinnamon Pull Apart Bread // SMBP
My inspiration and creativity comes and goes- ebbs + flows. I can pick out patterns throughout my years of blogging and see where my creativity was at its peak during certain months and at other times not. Not only was this Summer incredibly busy I just never felt fully inspired, it was to the point that Justin was wondering if I had given up on blogging all together.

My inspiration and creativity change with each passing season. 
This time of year is one of my favorites, it' just so happens to be the time of year I feel most creative.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

smokey pumpkin tempeh veggie burgers

Smokey Pumpkin Tempeh Burgers // SMBP
Regardless of the time of year, Justin and I love a good veggie burger. They are quick, easy and can be loaded with tons veggie goodness. 

When it comes to veggie burgers the possibilities are truly endless - homemade veggie burgers typically freeze well making it an awesome mid week go to when you don't have time to "cook". Make a batch over the weekend and freeze the rest to enjoy throughout the month.

Iv'e mentioned a few times my love for savory pumpkin dishes and this one totally fits the bill in both savory + pumpkin departments.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

maple peanut butter apple tarts

SMBP // Maple Peanut Butter Apple Tarts
Apple Picking is forever a battle in our house- to simply put it Justin is not a fan of Apple Picking and I totally am, however he was totally into these tarts which is a rarity as he is not big on apples.

Lucky for me, my Girlfriend has a weird boyfriend that doesn't like apple pie or any cooked apples matter of fact, but likes apple picking so she had a ton of apples for the taking. I was totally all over her offer when she told me she had some to spare!

Friday, October 17, 2014

spiked pumpkin "nog" + cinnamon whipped cream

SMBP // Spiked "Nog" + cinnamon whipped cream
I had never experienced eggnog prior to meeting Justin, as I may have mentioned before, growing up we never ate anything that my Mom + Dad didn't eat- my Mom was a pretty finicky eater and my Dad's only real dislike are peas (even chickpeas!) + lima beans. Needless to say they were never on the eggnog band wagon.

Justin on the other hand loved it! He introduced me to eggnog spiked with rum one Thanksgiving, I fell hard and fast in love with the slightly sweet creamy spiked nog.....for a total of one day. You see, we celebrated a bit early while I was cooking our HUGE Thanksgiving Feast, needless to say neither of us enjoyed our Thanksgiving Dinner on the day it was made, we were so full and pumped up on Eggnog there was no room left for anything else. 

When we became Vegans Eggnog, of course was out for the both of us. 

Until we came across Justin's favorite Holiday Beverage veganized!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

spicy pumpkin black bean chili

SMBP // Pumpkin Black Bean Chili
One of my favorite things about Autumn is Chili- big steaming bowls of spicy chili with a side of cornbread or tortilla chips. Our first bowl marks the start of the season and will continue on throughout the cold winter months- to say it is a weekly occurrence is an understatement , it is definitely a weekend tradition.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

pumpkin cake + maple cream cheese frosting

SMBP // Pumpkin Cake + Maple Cream Cheese Frosting
YAY for all things pumpkin! 
Bring cake into the picture and you have a winner. 
The frosting, well the frosting is a total game changer. Just sweet enough and oh so creamy; if you are not a fan of overly sweet + sugary frosting's this one is for you!

A super simple cake that looks really impressive- no joke, 1 bowl for the cake + 1 bowl for the frosting. 

Making just enough cake to share.