
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

spinach herb mac n' cheeze // field roast sausage crumble

This moving + renovating business is crazy! Isn't there a magic wand that I could simply wave and have everything back to normal? Making dinner let alone blogging has been a challenge these past couple of months // I have no idea where any of my photo props are, we are still sleeping in our front media room and the upstairs is in full on reno mode....which means no office or computer set up just yet. However, this mac n' cheeze recipe is just too delish not to share with you all, it is the perfect intro into Fall and coming cooler months. Our reno is right on track, so I should be up and running full force by the end of September if not sooner.

( I cannot wait, you can totally check out my instagram feed for house pics too if you a nosy like I am when it comes to other peoples homes!)