
Thursday, January 12, 2012

cherry pecan maple granola

cherry pecan maple granola
being vegan has its challenges
not for me, but for other people -
people i don't know

breakfast, the most important part of the day they say
seems to be the biggest challenge when going away

breakfast chef's don't know what to do with a vegan
i think we confuse them - what no eggs, no butter, no yogurt!
so they throw you together a fruit salad

raise your hand if you are a vegan and for every vegan dessert or breakfast at a non vegan friendly restaurant they serve you a fruit cup
yeah- i thought so, you all raised your hands didn't you

so instead of setting myself up for disappointment - i have learned to bring my own

we spent the weekend in burlington vermont celebrating Justin's 31st
this granola was a perfect tag along - easy, portable & delicious
throw in a single serve take with you anywhere soy milk and i was in business

cherry pecan maple granola
i love granola in the winter months
this granola combination is one of may favorites
chock full of healthy goodness
all the way around, granola is an all star breakfast player

cherry pecan maple granola
new englanders pretty much put maple syrup in everything - including this granola
orange juice and veggie oil are added for moisture
cherry pecan maple granola

cherry pecan maple granolacherry pecan maple granola
toss all your ingredients in a large bowl
you gotta love the one bowl recipes
cherry pecan maple granola
cherry pecan maple granola
stir in your maple syrup, oil & oj
cherry pecan maple granola
spread on a rimmed cookie sheet or jelly roll pan - really any pan will work
slowly baked in a 300* oven for 40 minutes
stir around about half way through baking
once done, remove from the oven - using the back of a spatula press down on the granola
this will help your granola "clump" together

cherry pecan maple granolacherry pecan maple granola
cherry pecan maple granola
a simple, healthy breakfast

cherry pecan maple granolacherry pecan maple granola

Cherry Pecan Maple Granola

you will need:
  • 2 cups multi grain oats or regular oats (not quick cooking)
  • 1/4 cup wheat germ
  • 1/4 cup ground flax
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened flaked coconut
  • 1/2 cup dried cherries
  • 3/4 cup pecans
  • 1/4 cup pepitas
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup pure maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup vegetable or canola oil
  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • preheat oven to 300*
  • in a large bowl mix together dry ingredients
  • add wet ingredients to dry and mix well until all dry ingredients are well coated
  • spread on a large rimmed baking sheet (you can use 2 medium, just make sure to rotate 1/2 way through baking)
  • bake in oven for 40 minutes - stirring after 30 minutes
  • remove from oven - with the back of a spatula firmly press down on the mixture (this creates the larger pieces of granola)
  • cool and store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks

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  1. It seems like I'm always bookmarking new granola recipes, but this one sounds really good too! I've never thought of adding orange juice to a granola before...and I love your combination of dried cherries with coconut flakes, pecans and pumpkin seeds!

  2. Mmmm, this looks delicious! I love making my own granola - it is way better than store bought and you can control all the ingredients! Yours looks great - I'm curious about the orange juice addition, I've never tried that before.

  3. Thanks for stopping by!

    The orange juice adds another layer of subtle flavor, but truly the cinnamon is the star player in this recipe - I eat this granola by the handfuls! I agree Heidi - homemade granola is way better than store bought :-)

  4. i love the way this granola looks! cherries and pecans go really well together ;) i also love that the only added sugar is from the maple syrup and orange juice!

  5. oooo! Yum! This looks awesome. I adore anything with coconut. Homemade granola is always the best. Looking forward to trying this recipe out! :)

  6. One, i love your blog name.
    Two, I love your photographs.
    Three, definitely a perfect vegan breakfast, this one.

  7. Garsh, do I just love your photos!!!! <--that's all I can say because I am mesmerized :)

  8. OJ in granola? Gotta try this.
    Oh, and I LOVE your photos!!

  9. Gorgeous photos and this looks amazing. I'm goign to try it this weekend with gf oats!

  10. I definitely don't see vegan (and creative vegan) desserts often, which is unfortunate and sad, especially since I feel like you can almost get more creative with them. Love your photos and recipe! This looks delicious.

  11. Thank you for all the *love*!

    @ Caitlin - I love cherries and pecans together- a classic combo!

    @ Courtney- thanks for checking SMBP out, I hope you love the granola as much as I do :-)

    @ Jesica- you are too sweet; and I can say ALL the same things about your Blog!

    @ Cara - Okay, I am know blushing

    @ Kathy - you are so talented & young; good for you!

    @ Heather - thank you! Love your Blog Design!

  12. I need to get some dried cherries -- i have so much I want to do with them! including this recipe!!!!!

    1. Thanks for becoming a follower Jenn - love your blog , SUPER cute name, adorable :-)

  13. MMmmmmm, I want granola (what, what, WHAT) - You see, I really detest oats and all but you make it look and sound delicious!

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. LOL thanks Choc Chip Uru - with all that nutella around you I bet you could make a pretty awesome nutella granola!

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