
Friday, February 10, 2012

soba noodle bowl

soba noodle bowl
i love asian inspired meals
fresh and simple
we try to avoid take out chinese or japanese - we have learned in our area we can never be certain that we won't find a piece of pork in our veggie fried rice or a few little fish eggs on our veggie sushi
cross contamination has proven to be an issue

so instead we get creative at home
this soba noodle bowl features an array of fresh organic veggies
soba noodles and a garlic sesame ginger tamari sauce

a quick, easy and healthy lunch or dinner that you can have on the table in less than 15 minutes

soba noodle bowl
you can choose to either keep the veggies raw - marinated in a bit of lime juice & sesame oil
or lightly steamed for about 2 minutes then tossed with the lime & oil
your call- both ways are amazing
soba noodle bowl
you can certainly use any veggies you have on hand
if you decide to enjoy the veggies raw, run the broccoli under hot water for a minute or so this will turn the broccoli a vibrant green

soba noodle bowl
a quick sauce is made with tamari, fresh ginger, garlic, rice vinegar & sesame seeds
drizzled on the veggies and soba noodles just before serving
soba noodle bowl
soba noodle bowl
this is one of those "feel good" meals
light & fresh

leaving room for a little something sweet at the end
perhaps some homemade fortune cookies from fork & beans?

soba noodle bowlsoba noodle bowl
tell me - what are your favorite homemade take out meals
i would love to hear what you enjoy and create when takeout isn't an option

soba noodle bowl
soba noodle bowl
so grab your favorite pair of chopsticks and enjoy your very own soba noodle veggie bowl
soba noodle bowl
Soba Noodle Bowl ~ Garlic Sesame Ginger Tamari Sauce
makes 2 large veggie bowls

you will need:

for the soba noodle bowl
2 carrots thinly ribboned
2 asparagus thinly ribboned with the remaining pieces julienned
4oz sliced portabellas cut into bite sized pieces
handful of green beans cut into thirds
1 1/2 cups broccoli florets
handful fresh parsley torn for garnish
juice of 1/2 a lime
2 tbsp sesame oil or hemp oil
pinch of salt
3.1 oz organic soba noodles 

for the garlic sesame ginger tamari sauce
1 garlic clove minced
1/4 tsp fresh ginger micro planed - finely zested
1/2 tsp sesame seeds
4 tbsp tamari
2 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tsp sugar


for the veggies
prepare the veggies - ribbon, cube, dice
run broccoli under very hot water for about a minute until a vibrant green
place all prepped veggies in a medium bowl
toss with salt, lime juice & sesame or hemp oil
set aside to marinate
(if steaming, prep veggies, gently steam then toss with salt, lime & oil)

boil water for soba noodles, season water with salt
add soba noodles and cook for 3 minutes

for the sauce
combine all ingredients in a small bowl and whisk well

place soba noodles in a bowl, top with veggies & drizzle with sauce




  1. Takeout is always a last resort for me. There is place in DC that is pretty reliably. We tried somewhere else a few weeks ago, and my partner bit into his vegetable dumplings to find they were pork!
    My favorite Asian dish is pho!

    1. Where in DC do you typically go - I am down that way at least a few times a year to see my sister and am always looking for new eats in that area!

      I have always been curious about Pho - this is on my list of must try!

  2. looks delicious! i especially love the carrot ribbon ;)

    1. Me too- carrot ribbons always make me smile; i prefer carrots this way over sliced or julienned any day :)

  3. I'm echoing Caitlin on this one. That is what I was going to bring up as well--that carrot ribbon. Holy moly. Are we really going crazy for a veggies peeled certain way? Does that make us cooking nerds? YES! <--Love it :)

    1. Yes we will all swoon over my beautiful carrot ribbons :) Wait not everyone obssesses over beautiful veggies and carrot ribbons?

  4. Oh, I just love Asian noodle bowls...and yours with all the vivid colors both looks and sounds fantastic!

  5. What a pretty looking bowl of food! I'm always leery of eating things like dumplings or samosas where you can't really identify what the filling is made of...or asian style soups and noodle dishes that might contain bits of meat or fish sauce. As for my favourite homemade take-out dish, it would probably be peanut noodles or homemade pizza!

    1. Love homemade pizza- every Friday night is Pizza or Calzone night; calzones tonight and I am so very excited!

      This soba noodle bowl was so good- I could eat this type of meal everyday!

  6. I love meals like these too! So fresh and simple, you can't beat it! Lately, I've been making a ton of homemade pad thai - takeout just doesn't compare at all anymore!

    1. You are so right Heidi; takeout doesn't even come close to homemade, we pretty much stopped ordering takeout- we couldn't deal with the continous dissapointment:)

  7. Chinese recipes always brings out the best in veggies and this is no different. I do not do the takeout thing-I agree homemade is a much better way to go. Your picture here is very tempting-I am ready for a noodle bowl now-yum! Have a great weekend.

    1. I agree - they have a way of making veggie shine in recipes; have a wonderful weekend too Tina!

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  9. This looks like an exotic oriental healthy way to end the day - a far cry from 2 minute noodles for sure :D

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. I never thought of this to be exotic- thanks :)!! I can't say I have ever had 2 minute noodles- unless they are like the ramen noodles, then yes I had my fair share as a teenager!

  10. You know, I was just in a grocery store with a pretty big International foods section and I actually picked up soba noodles wishing I knew something to do with them so I could by them. I don't have much experience making International inspired dishes. This sounds delicious and right up my alley. I don't eat meat and my husband does, so I'm always looking for dishes sans meat I know he'd love too. This sounds great!

    1. I LOVE Soba noodles; about a year ago or so I did the same thing you did, just randomly picked up a pack. Since then I have been addicted to them - i hope you and your husband enjoy the recipe!

  11. You keep making things that just spike my cravings through the roof! This sounds so good right now - I love soba noodles, and all the veggies... can I come over to your place for dinner? :P

  12. love those bowls and the pictures!.. makes this beautiful yummyliciousness even more gorgeous. i love the ribbons and the veggies. i want some of this tonite!

  13. Looks so delicious! I'm only slightly embarrassed to admit that I absolutely love cheap, greasy, Chinese takeout. This would definitely be much better for me, and more satisfying, I'm sure. I can't wait to make this. The photos are beautiful, love that you used ribbons of vegetables, too!

    1. Don't be embarrassed; I am sure all of us secretly have had the same love affair :)

      I LOVE Carrot ribbons, they are my absolute fave!

  14. I just love this beautiful and healthy soba noodle bowl! Stunning photos as well. This is my first time visiting, but you have a beautiful blog here. Just signed up to follow.

    1. I am SO happy you stopped by and liked what you saw; thank you so much for becoming a follower, I look forward to seeing you around :)

  15. Definitely a feel-good meal...cold soba salad is so refreshing! Think I should start including more veggies in my diet! Beautiful photos as always!

    1. This is definitely a guilt free meal; even if you do go back for seconds!

  16. I would definitely do this on weekends! go here if you want to know how to tell if someone is listening to your mobile phone calls

  17. i love this food i am so hungry right now and when i saw these beautiful foodie pictures, these pictures are so loving. i just love the good food cooked. these are allowing to have a dynamic automatic.

  18. This isThis is so delicious. I would like to try these noodles as well. Being a student is quite challenging. Very often you need to eat very fast in order to be on time at university. This noodle is a great way to eat and healthy. I write my memo paper about this topic. so delisous. I would like to try this noodles as well.

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