
Thursday, April 26, 2012

pineapple express cupcakes

pineapple express cupcakes
i love pink and brown.
i love pink frosted cupcakes.
this post & these cupcakes i am certainly loving.
i have been meaning to make this recipe a while ago but just now got around to actually
doing instead of thinking.

have you ever seen the movie pineapple express? i have. 50% of the movie twice - i kept falling asleep halfway through at the same point in the movie each time. i can't really explain why, it certainly wasn't the lack humor or entertainment factor, because it was definitely was humorous. anyways,
i do have a point here, these cupcakes are named in honor of the movie.
pineapple + hemp = pineapple express cupcake love.

pineapple express cupcakes
fresh pineapple & hemp oil are the main flavors of the cupcakes.
pineapple express cupcakes
  this particular recipe makes 6 cupcakes - however you can easily double the recipe to make 12

pineapple express cupcakespineapple express cupcakes

pineapple express cupcakes

the cupcakes are frosted with fresh strawberry vegan butter cream and sprinkled with hemp seeds

pineapple express cupcakespineapple express cupcakes
pineapple express cupcakes

thankfully i only made 6 cupcakes - they were addicting.
so much so i made another batch to share with friends at work

pineapple express cupcakespineapple express cupcakes
i adore the color of the butter cream from the strawberries - with color like that there is no excuse not to use natural food colorings.  the hemp seeds and oil add a layer of healthy goodness that amps up the nutritional value of these cupcakes - but lets stay real here, they are still cupcakes just a tad healthier.
pineapple express cupcakes
Pineapple Express Cupcakes
makes 6 cupcakes

you will need:
for the cupcakes
1/4 cup soy yogurt
1/4 almond milk
1/3 cup freshly crushed pineapple
1 tbsp hemp oil
1/4 cup agave
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1 tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
pinch of salt

for the frosting
2 tbsp vegan butter - room temp
2/12 cups confectioners sugar
2 tbsp fresh strawberry puree or all natural strawberry jam
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

6 cupcake liners

pre heat oven to 350*
in a medium whisk yogurt through vanilla extract. sift dry ingredients over the wet and mix until combined (not not over mix)

line a cupcake pan with liners. fill cups 2/3 full - bake in oven for 20-25 minutes or until a cake tester comes out with a few moist crumbs when tested in the center of the cupcake. remove from oven and allow to fully cool on a cooling rack.

while cupcakes are cooling, make frosting. using a stand mixer or hand mixer, mix butter and confectioners sugar on low speed, add in strawberry puree or jam a tablespoon at a time, lastly mix in vanilla. frost by hand or use a piping bag....i used a Ziploc baggie and cut the corner off. sprinkle with hemp seeds.



  1. ahhah pineapple express! Great one. These looks so delicious. I saw the movie and thought it was really funny.

    1. Is'nt it! ...well at least the first half of the movie, I am looking forward to the second half ;)

  2. I love that you designed the recipe to yield just 6 cupcakes... it seems like most make 12 (or 24!), which always sounds like a great idea, but then I just end up eating too many :)

    1. That was exactly my reasoning behind making only 6...with only Justin and I in the house it is way too easy to end up eating all 12 cupcakes between the two if us!

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  3. pink and brown are my favorite color combination, too!! and, coincidentally, i always fall asleep mid-pineapple express, too. we have the blu-ray and a swear one of these days i will watch the WHOLE THING.

    i absolutely love that you used hemp seeds as a topping! also, i love the pink frosting. once i tried mixing strawberry jam into vegan buttercream and it ended in disastrous, runny, wet frosting that needed to be thrown out. i wonder what i did wrong..

    1. We had the blueray at one point to....however Justin has a habit of selling thingd on e-bay that he feels have been "hanging around" for too long, primarily to make more room for new blue rays - so needless to say pineapple express has found a new home :) lets hope Netflix has it on the instant que ..... I LOVE hemp seeds, they are so good!

  4. Oh my gosh, are we on the same wavelength or what? I love pineapple, and these cupcakes sound. so. good.
    I don't have any hemp oil on hand, but wonder if I could substitute coconut or other oil?

    1. Yes, yes we are Willow, it is scary is it not! I bet coconut oil would be fantastic in these cupcakes ;)

  5. Oh these look so happy! They just radiate cheerfulness. Love the addition of the hemp seeds- it's one of my favourites :)

  6. I love these! They are so pretty and I love the hemp seeds sprinkled on top! And try to push through Pineapple Express- it's totally worth it (if you're on board with that type of humor). Thank you for this recipe! :-)

    1. I plan on pushing Kristy...maybe I need to drink a red bull before - that will guarantee that I will not stay away

  7. love that pink frosting top shot... soooooo prettyyyyyy! i am allergic to pineapple, so i am going to make some frosting and eat it all up and keep the cupcakes for hubbs and tell him, this is how they are supposed to be.. frosting less;) and i love that fork!
    The fundraiser is now live! and also on the fb page.
    do drop and share if you have a minute! :)) Thanks a bunch!

    1. I love the way you think Richa! The entire batch of new silverware is all funky, I love it!!!

      Can't wait to check out the fundraiser- you have done a phenomonal job- three cheeers for you!

  8. Haha! I laughed a little too hard at your explanation of the name for these cupcakes (which are absolutely beautiful, by the way).
    I saw that movie a long, long time ago.

    Also, when I was around the ages 9-12, I had a bedroom that had pink and brown vertical stripes painted on the walls, with handmade pink and brown bedding and curtains (my mum loved to decorate our rooms). So I understand the pink and brown thing, I do ;)

    1. You were one lucky girl and your Mom was well ahead of the trend - I would have loved to have had a pink and brown bedroom, too awesome!

  9. I love how they look! really bright and delicious but unfortunately I haven't seen that movie

    1. A. you must make these cupcakes

      B. you should definitely watch this movie while eating these cupcakes

  10. I want to eat a huge bucket of this icing NOW. *hehe* Looks fantastic Heather. Such pretty cupcakes.

    Love the name of the cupcakes. So cute! I saw that movie in theatres and it was quite funny!

    1. You and Richa should totally getogether and have a strawberry frosting party - you both have the same idea!

  11. I love these - too cute and delicious :D
    Awesome post as well :) - I have heard to this movie too!

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. They were super cute & super good; they didn't last long!

  12. Ha, I love this recipe name! The recipe sounds like a great combination of ingredients, so I guess I need to bake up a batch and watch the movie now.

    1. Thanks Matt - enjoy the movie and the cupcakes...thanks for the pin on pinterest!

  13. Totally love pink and brown and pineapple. I'm sold. Beautiful photos and color combos too. I heard Pineapple got panned, much like cupcakes :)

  14. That first picture is totally to die for! Beautiful, friend.
    And you topped these beauties with hemp seed? Laughing so hard over your cleverness. Perfect!

    1. Clever right :) These cupcakes are just as beautiful as you!

  15. Love that the recipe is for only 6 cupcakes! It's hard to not eat them all. :)

    1. So true- 6 cupcakes was the perfect amount for the 2 of us!

  16. I love the use of hemp seeds as sprinkles! Maybe when I make cupcakes, I could use flax or zest?

    All I need now is some pineapple!

    1. Jimmies/sprinkles would be fun! or some fresh strawberry or pinapple on top would be nice :)

  17. Love the use of pineapple. Mmmmm for cupcakes! And I agree, pink & brown so pretty.

    1. Mmmmm for cupcakes is right, who doesn't love cupcakes!

  18. Wow these seem easy to make and delicious. Not only am I trying to learn how to bake I wanna bake as healthy as possible and that's what a lot of vegan recipes are. I will be checking back often. Pineapple and strawberry sounds delicious together, but does the hemp oil not cause any flavoring?

    1. Hi Phaydra!
      These are really easy to make and even easier to devour :)

      The Hemp Oil does not overpower the cupcake - it really is there to provide moisture along with the pineapple - strawberry & pineapple are amazing together!

  19. I love small batch recipes. Love, love, love! And I love that you coined these "pineapple express cupcakes" - adorable! Now I'll have to watch the movie.

    1. and I will have to finish watching the movie :)

  20. These look PHENOMENAL. I love the combo of pineapple and strawberries! Excuse me while I drool over these pictures a bit...

    1. You are excused, please drool away- here's a napkin for you :)

  21. We love this recipes. Recipe and photos are fantastic.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and for the lovely compliment!

  22. Your cupcakes are great. Pictures are also very vivid.

  23. We love this recipes. Recipe and photos are fantastic.


  24. it was a recipe that I really liked because of you. The photos look quite nice too.

  25. It looks very delicious. i will definitely try it thank you

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