
Monday, September 17, 2012

smokey tempeh sliders

smokey tempeh sliders
i am in love...
with these sliders - i know i say this a lot, but really, these are incredible.
plus, they are so much fun to eat - mini foods are just so adorable.
this was my first time preparing tempeh, i have no idea why i allow certain foods to intimidate me. 
i watch from the sidelines, let everyone else play for a little while - then when i gather up the courage i go for it.  this is after a few packages of tempeh have been thrown out because i didn't muster up the courage soon enough - expired, good as gone.

well, i'm glad i took the leap into tempeh making - seriously guys, if you too have been intimidated don't be. preparing tempeh is super easy and fun - you just have to plan a little ahead for marinating.

really, do it - make that tempeh work for you!

smokey tempeh sliders
apparently i was extra motivated this weekend despite being a little under the weather - i even made my own little slider rolls!
smokey tempeh sliders
this was my game plan:
1. prepare the marinade and slice your tempeh - allow to marinate in the fridge for at least 4 hours
2. get your slider dough going and allow to rise
3. pick up the little sis and head down to the multicultural fair and get amazing food prepared by local immigrants and watch amazing burundi drummers and classic asian dancing
4. get home, shape dough- set for 2nd rise & roast beets while oven is pre heating for sliders
5. prep all remaining ingredients, pan fry tempeh & bake slider buns
6. assemble & enjoy
smokey tempeh sliderssmokey tempeh sliders
it seems like quite a few steps, but really with proper planning it's a piece of cake.
you will be super pumped that made these - you could even skip making your own slider rolls and buy a few or sub in a big bulkie roll - but the sliders are super cute so you should make these unless you are really pressed for time. i won't judge.
smokey tempeh sliderssmokey tempeh sliders
smokey tempeh sliders
the roasted beet, golden shredded carrot and arugula were the perfect match to the smokey tempeh.
a little siracha sauce & veganaise pushed these sliders to a whole nother level of awesomeness!
smokey tempeh sliderssmokey tempeh sliders
smokey tempeh sliderssmokey tempeh sliders
serve these cuties up at a party or have a couple for lunch.
i don't care how you serve, just make sure you get these in your belly as soon as possible.
yes. they are that good - justin had these for lunch and dinner and that never happens.
smokey tempeh sliderssmokey tempeh sliders
smokey tempeh sliders
Smokey Tempeh Sliders
makes 6 sliders

you will need:
for the slider buns
makes 6 mini slider rolls
3/4 cup warm water (120*)
2 tsp dry active yeast
1 1/2 -2 cups spelt flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp liquid sweetener of choice (maple syrup, agave. honey)
1 tsp black and tan sesame seeds
1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt
1 tbsp melted butter

for the tempeh
1 package of  tempeh, thinly sliced/shaved
2 tsp liquid smoke
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup tamari
3 cloves garlic- smashed and roughly chopped
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp vegan better than beef bouillon (or vegan Worcestershire) + 1 cup of water or 1 cup vegetable stock

shredded carrots - golden  (1 carrot)
handful arugula
 1 tomato - thinly sliced
1 small beet, scrubbed & thinly sliced into 6 rounds - roasted
olive oil

1 tbsp sriracha
1/4 cup veganaise

for the min slider rolls
sprinkle yeast in the bottom of  medium bowl - add warm water and allow to sit for 10 minutes until yeast is bubbly/foams. with a wooden spoon or your hand, mix 1 1/4 cups of flour, salt & sweetener into the yeast mixture - turn onto a lightly floured surface. knead the remaining 1/2 cup of flour into the dough until the dough becomes smooth, 7-8 minutes  - please note the dough will not seem to have a lot of elasticity to it. place dough ball in a oil bowl and cover - allow to rise until double in size.
pre heat oven to 425*
line a baking sheet with parchment - after 1st rise shape dough into 6 equal rolls. cover and allow to rest & rise for an additional 20 minutes.
after 2nd rise, melt vegan butter.
 with a sharp knife score the top of each roll with an x. brush the tops of the rolls with the melted vegan butter. sprinkle with sesame seeds & Himalayan salt.
bake in pre heated oven for 12 - 15 minutes.
remove and allow to cool. rolls can be made up to 1 day in advance - dough can be made up to 5 days in advance and stored in the fridge until ready to use.

the marinated tempeh
In a shallow baking dish combine all marinade ingredients - place the sliced tempeh in the dish ensuring all pieces of tempeh are immersed in the marinade. Allow to marinade for at least 30 minutes // can be made a day in advance.

Roast your beets while the oven is preheating for your bread - roasting time 15 minutes.
To roast your beets, toss the beet slices in canola or olive oil and spread on a small baking sheet.

In a small bowl mix the sriracha and veganaise

assembly of  the sliders
In a large skillet, pan sear/braise tempeh in half the marinating liquid, braise until liquid is mostly evaporated + flip the tempeh. Once all the tempeh is flipped, pour remaining half of marinade over tempeh and sear/braise until all liquid is gone and tempeh is golden/has a nice sear.

Cut the slider roll in half lengthwise
Spread a bit of the sriracha veganaise on the top half of the roll , top with arugula. place a few slices of the tempeh on the bottom half of the slider roll and top with tomato, a bit of shredded carrot & a beet slice. put the two halves together.
assemble all 6 sliders & serve.


print this recipe


  1. Holy yum! These look and sound fabulous! Those buns look absolutely perfect. And I just happen to have a package of tempeh in my fridge that needs usin'... :D

    1. They were so good! I am making them again for my girls get together - I can't wait to start shoving these in my face once again :)

  2. so yummy! I love tempeh. (great pics, btw.)

  3. Wow, Heather! Just when I want to name you the Vegan Cake Queen, you remind me that you kick ass at making burgers/sandwiches too. I love the little slider buns- it's always so hard to find vegan buns, not to mention in slider size. These look amazing and I'm sure the sriracha mayo really put these guys over the top! Wow, wow, wow!

    1. Thanks Kristy! I cannot for the life of me find slider buns here, so I made my own :) These were so much fun to make and eat - the sriracha mayo was pretty amazing :)

  4. These sound awesome, and your pictures are so gorgeous too! :)

  5. Tempeh is one of my favorites--especially in delicious sandwich form! These sliders look just amazing. :)

    1. I have just jumped on the tempeh bandwagon - it took me a little while, I had a horrible experience with tempeh (my fault, not the tempeh) and just recently started playing around with it and am in love!

  6. I love the X's on top of the buns! So adorable.
    I love sandwiches too. There just isn't any way around it.

    1. Seriously sandwiches are pretty fantastic!- and in our house never boring :)

  7. I just love your photos! The sliders look very tasty. :)

    1. Thanks Gerlinde - these were alot of fun to style and photograph :)

  8. I am in love with these too, and I've only seen the pictures! I can't even imagine how I would feel once I tasted them :)

    1. I so wish you live closer - cause you would totally be invited over for girls night (i am making these for that night :) )

  9. I'm in love my friend, I do, I do ;)
    These look delicious!

    Choc Chip Uru

  10. It's only recently that I've been able to prepare GOOD tempeh dishes at home, but none look as good as these sliders!!

    1. I am sure you have some pretty amazing tempeh dishes up your sleeve :)

  11. Yes. Please.
    Heather, these look incredible. I love putting shredded carrots on sandwiches! Your little buns look amazing too. Can I come over for dinner? ;)

  12. The homemade slider buns are perfect! I'd just eat a whole batch of those! *hehe* I still have not cooked tempeh at home. I'm still trying to master tofu. *hah* I've had yummy tempeh dishes at restaurants though and can imagine that these are super, duper yummy! Love all of the awesome toppings!

    1. I have yet to master tofu, still working on that one :) The toppings for samies are the best part - they are so fun to mix & match

  13. you had me at home made slider buns! i'd eat all those buns before you finished frying the tempeh, which i can easily guzzle down as tempeh fingers dipped in the sriracha veganaise! holy yumm!

    1. Oooo I LOVE the idea of tempeh fingers - good call Richa!

  14. what amazing photos! this recipe sounds absolutely incredible!

    1. Thanks Caralyn - these were alot of fun to make...and eat!

  15. I've only cooked tempeh once, and I'm still intimidated to try it again! Good for you for finally giving it a chance and coming up with something amazing! The slider buns caught my eye right away and I was admiring how cute and tasty they looked when I read that you actually made them yourself - I'm impressed! Love that you used beets as a topping too :)

    1. Hahaha I can always count on you to seek out the beets :) they are just so pretty all roasted and pink!

  16. Pinned!
    This looks absolutely delish!!!!

  17. Making these as we speak!! Can't wait to try them, it smells amazing! I even wiped up some homemade vegenaise

  18. An incredible eye popping can't wait to bite into these tempeh delights!
    nice photo!

  19. Delicious Recipe!
    Will pin this for my weekend.
    Thanks for the recipe Heather :)

  20. Oh damn, this looks delicious ���� Will be perfect for my cheat meal!

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