
Monday, February 11, 2013

egg-less salad sandwich

egg-less salad sandwich
Sometimes I just want a classic sandwich - growing up my Dad often times would save me the other half of his egg salad sandwich from corner deli that he bought for lunch. Once in a while my mom would make egg salad but not often, she couldn't stand the smell of hard boiled eggs and frankly neither can I. One of Justin's favorite sandwiches before becoming vegan was egg salad, so I found myself making egg salad often which left our house smelling like a big egg fart - not so nice. Well since we no longer eat eggs, but still long for the occasional egg salad sandwich we both use to enjoyed, I ended up playing around with a egg less version.

egg-less salad sandwich
There have been many different versions of egg less salad in our house - this version is what I would consider the classic. Once in a while I like to add curry, almonds and cranberries for a different twist.

egg-less salad sandwich egg-less salad sandwich
egg-less salad sandwich
This salad is super easy and quick to make - perfect for a weekday lunch.  It stores well, so if you really like egg less salad sandwiches you could make a batch up that would last you for the week. I will warn you, be a little light handed with the sulfur salt, I overdid it one day and my sandwich was lovingly dubbed the "fart sandwich" because it smelled so horrible from the sulfur and I was banned from taking this particular lunch to work -it was only fair to my office mates :).
egg-less salad sandwich

egg-less salad sandwich egg-less salad sandwich
egg-less salad sandwich
This is also the perfect sandwich to bring along to the park for a Spring Picnic or a Summer Camping Trip.
Easy to eat, portable and tasty.
What more could you ask for? Well now that you ask...maybe a side of kale chips!
egg-less salad sandwich
Do you have a favorite sandwich from your childhood that you veganized?

Were you / are you ever a fan of egg less salad? I find that most people either love it or hate it!
egg-less salad sandwich
Egg-less Salad Sandwich
makes 1 sandwich - easily doubled

you will need:
 3/4 cup super firm sprouted tofu* crumbled
*standard super firm or firm works too 

scant 1/8 tsp Himalayan sulfur salt
1/8 tsp turmeric 
1 tsp nutritional yeast
1-2 tbsp veganaise
fresh cracked pepper optional

2 slices bread
lettuce and/or tomato

In a small bowl mix tofu through veganaise - if desired pop mixture into the fridge to chill and allow for the flavors to mingle a bit (not necessary but if you have the time it is worth it)

Spread the egg less salad on one slice of the bread top with baby lettuce, tomato & the other slice of bread.

enjoy with a side of kale chips!


  1. i remember being really little, maybe 4 or 5, and being SO EXCITED when my mom would make us egg salad sandwiches. i thought they were the most delicious thing in the world. then, i few years later, i remember asking her to make me one and i didn't like it at all. just goes to show how taste buds change.

    i love your version and it looks so much like the classic! although, my mom never added beautiful, ruffly lettuce to the sandwich, which looks gorgeous.

    the only sandwich i ate with regularity before going veg was tuna salad. i did make a vegan version of it, which dayv and i enjoy on occasion. but i think my most beloved sandwich of all time is the classic peanut butter and jelly, heavy on the pb ;)

  2. I used to love egg salad sandwiches but haven't tried a vegan version- will have to give yours a go! And I promise to go light on the sulfur salt ;)

  3. another beautiful sandwich! i love savory and hearty breakfast and this is something hubbs can put together.. he used to be the egg guy and would make variations and stuff. :) yay for some izze!

  4. I never tried egg salad before I went vegan, but I should probably try this rendition now. I feel like I would probably end up putting it in a wrap with a lot of black beans and avocado, because that's my instinct with all things tofu.

  5. Where does one find Himalayan sulfur salt?

    1. Amazon is my go to for any ingredient out of the ordinary- I ordered a large bag that will probably last a lifetime from Amazon - The brand was "The Spice Lab" it was really inexpensive.

  6. I used to love my mom's egg salad sandwiches, but never tried making them as an adult until my first Easter with Chris and the twins. We tried to make egg salad form all of the twins' easter eggs, and it was the worst thing I've ever made. We kept trying to add stuff to it to make it taste better, but nothing worked. We ended up throwing it all out and we still laugh about it to this day.

    This egg salad looks SO MUCH better than any egg salad sandwich I've ever had. I need to make this ASAP!

  7. Yum! I've been looking for an easy eggless salad recipe! Still intimidated by tofu though!

  8. I've never seen the appeal of egg salad sandwiches, but even though I didn't grow up with them, I've learned to love tofu salad sandwiches! I make a similar version as you which I love to eat in a pita. A much more office-friendly sandwich since tofu doesn't have a smell! Your post brought back my own memories of when my mom would cook poached eggs for my sister, and my other sister and I would have to go hide in the basement because we couldn't stand the awful smell!

  9. So classically delicious! Thanks for sharing, I'm always looking for vegan renditions of classics. : )

  10. Love quick, easy sandwiches like this! I was never a fan of egg salad but I used to really love other "salad" sandwiches. My new fave is garbanzo beans mashed up with avocado on a sandwich with some greens. :)

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