
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

creamy celeriac & apple soup // spicy winter greens oil

creamy celeriac & apple soup // spicy winter greens oil
Let us start the new year off right! After plenty of celebrating this past holiday season I am ready to push the reset button. I love the amazing energy the new year brings;  warming soups, new workout routines, plenty of freshly made juice each morning & loads of winter produce from the weekend farmers market.

creamy celeriac & apple soup // spicy winter greens oil
Celeriac is a "new" to me winter root vegetable; I have read about it here and there and knew it was the edible root of the celery plant, but beyond that I didn't know much more. The celeriac root has a mild, pleasant celery taste and can be treated much like any root vegetable; mashed, roasted or pureed.

creamy celeriac & apple soup // spicy winter greens oil creamy celeriac & apple soup // spicy winter greens oil
creamy celeriac & apple soup // spicy winter greens oil
I am sure pureed celeriac soups are a dime a dozen, but this is such an easy way to tackle the bulbous vegetable making it super simple for the most novice cook to whip up a batch of soup using a somewhat intimidating root veggie. Every component in this soup (with the exception of the spices) was grown locally, which in my book is a big win.

creamy celeriac & apple soup // spicy winter greens oil creamy celeriac & apple soup // spicy winter greens oil
creamy celeriac & apple soup // spicy winter greens oil
Crisp Winter greens are processed with olive oil and dried chilies - the spicy oil lends some interest to the silky smooth, otherwise mild soup. Any combination of your favorite greens can be used - to be honest I am not entirely certain what greens were used in my batch; some where familiar, others not so much.

creamy celeriac & apple soup // spicy winter greens oil creamy celeriac & apple soup // spicy winter greens oil
creamy celeriac & apple soup // spicy winter greens oil
How do you kick off the start to your new year?
creamy celeriac & apple soup // spicy winter greens oil
Creamy Celeriac & Apple Soup ~ Spicy Winter Greens
makes 6-8 servings

you will need:
2 celeriac roots (medium in size), trimmed and chopped
3 apples, cored and chopped
3 garlic cloves, diced 
1 medium red onion, roughly copped 
1 tbsp olive oil 
4- 6 cups water 
white pepper to taste 
salt to taste
2 cups winter greens
2 dried chile peppers 
1/4 cup olive oil 

 pre heat oven to 425 degrees

Peel the tough outer layer of each celeriac root. Roughly chop each celeriac root into uniform chunks, place on a rimmed baking sheet. Core and roughly chop apples and add to the baking sheet along with diced garlic cloves, chopped onion & olive oil - toss to coat veggies in the olive oil. Roast in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until veggies are soft.

Add veggies to a soup pot along with 4-6 cups of water (this will depend on how thick or think you prefer your soup). Season with salt & pepper. Using an immersion blender, puree soup until velvety smooth. Return to heat and keep warm until ready to serve. Leftovers can be cooled and saved for later in the fridge (up top a week) or in the freezer (up to 6 months).

To make the spicy winter greens oil - add all ingredients to a small food processor and process until well blended. For a smoother oil- lightly steam the greens, I personally preferred the raw version.

To serve, ladle soup in bowls and top with a tablespoon of spicy winter greens oil. Leftover oil can be stored in the fridge for a week or in the freezer for 6 months.



  1. This is so beautiful and seasonal! I've never worked with celeriac before- it's so daunting. But this looks so good I might just have to get over it and try :)

    1. Thank you pretty lady! The small/medium cleraic wasn't too bad- I just used a knife to trim away the rough tough exterior!

  2. I love starting the year off with a bunch of soup as well! Also, I've never made anything with celeriac before...that needs to change!

    1. Soup makes me feel so warm, cozy and light- I love soups during the winter months!

  3. After spending the holidays at home with family and friends and eating out more than usual, plus being away from the gym for a couple of weeks, I was looking forward to a healthy start to the new year too! Soups are the perfect way to get lots of veggies in your meal, and pureed root veggies are always a comforting meal on cold days :)

    1. I know right! I am finally back to my gym routine and healthy habits- I starting daily juicing again and feel so amazing!

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