{above photo: yet another day of snow...spring snow is just plain torture}
I may be a bit late on the Instagram train, but better late than never right? Actually, I have had my Instagram account for a few years but never really embraced the whole "Instagram culture" - let me tell you, I am hooked. Ever since I installed the Instagram app on my IPAD it has been a hundred times easier capturing images throughout the day. If you know me well, you all ready know that I am one of those people that very rarely answers their cell phone, you are more likely to get me on Facebook chat than on my actual phone....I also turned off texting, like 5 years ago - I am not a huge fan of the phone. The IPAD has made Instagram far more accessible & fun to use. I love taking random photos throughout the day without having to find my phone or lug around a camera - so easy and I really like easy. So the point of this rambling paragraph you ask? I am starting a new Friday Series to round out the week called ; weekly life through Instagram eyes. I for one, am always curious about everyone's day to day life and wanted to share bits and pieces of my life throughout the week with you as captured through Instagram. For day by day, hour by hour coverage you can also follow me on Instagram...be warned I am a little bit of a crazy cat lady but there are also tons of foodie pics too!