
Friday, March 7, 2014

maple vanilla cinnamon mixed nuts

maple vanilla cinnamon mixed nuts
Let me just tell you, these maple cinnamon mixed nuts are absolutely freakin' delicious and addicting. So dangerous that I give most of the nuts away any time I bake up a batch, if I didn't I'd be apt to inhale an entire jar within a day. Incredibly easy to make, they make an awesome hostess or I like you gift.

maple vanilla cinnamon mixed nuts
Candied nuts have been around the block awhile, it wasn't until recent I tried my hand at making my own. Picnic Rock Farm carries maple nuts which I absolutely adore which inspired the maple used in this recipe. My sister gifted me an amazing vanilla cinnamon scented coconut oil candle that smells absolutely good enough to eat which inspired the vanilla and cinnamon. Demera sugar adds extra texture to to the candied nuts which I absolutely love!
maple vanilla cinnamon mixed nuts

maple vanilla cinnamon mixed nuts maple vanilla cinnamon mixed nuts
Justin and I love snowshoeing in the Winter and these nuts are super portable and make for an amazing trail snack; take along a thermos of hot cocoa and your are set for when you reach the summit.
maple vanilla cinnamon mixed nuts

maple vanilla cinnamon mixed nuts maple vanilla cinnamon mixed nuts
We are so fortunate that we live in an area that is home to several mountains within footsteps of our back door. Being outside, especially when so mu ch of our time during the winter months is spent inside, energizes the soul - I long for the long lazy days of summer but also enjoy mild winter days leading up to spring. The best part about winter is amazingly quiet, the trails are far less busy and I absolutely love guessing what little animal prints dust the top of the undisturbed trail snow.
maple vanilla cinnamon mixed nuts
maple vanilla cinnamon mixed nuts
maple vanilla cinnamon mixed nuts
What do you do to raise your spirits and get moving outdoors during the cold months of winter?
maple vanilla cinnamon mixed nuts
Maple Vanilla Cinnamon Mixed Nuts

you will need:
2 1/2 cup mixed nuts; raw cashews, almonds, pecans, walnuts
1/3 cup pure maple syrup
1/2 cup sugar in the raw Demerara sugar
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
Pinch sea salt

pre heat oven to 300*

In a medium mixing bowl combine all ingredients and stir until nuts are well coated. On a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment, evenly spread nuts onto the the pan in one layer.

Bake nuts in over for 10- 12 minutes until fragrant and sugars have bubbled up and begin to caramelize. Once you removed the nuts from the oven the sugars will begin to deflate, allow to cool on the rimmed baking sheet until sugars begin to harden. Break nuts apart and store in an airtight glass container.

Nuts will keep for up to 2 weeks in sealed container.



  1. These look so good!! I love making snacks like this!

    1. They are so addicting, dangeroulsy I am gonna gain 10 pounds addicting!

  2. This looks amazing, I am definitely bookmarking this for when I need a quick hostess gift :)

    What do I do to energize myself and get outdoors in winter? Honestly, I have to walk almost everywhere I go in this city (well I guess I don't have to, but transit ain't cheap!) so I end up taking brisk walks daily. It's super helpful, if not a little cold.

    1. Ahhh to live in a walkable city! Brisk walks in the cold sound so invigorating!

  3. Mmm yummy, nothing makes me feel happier than healthy nuts gone sugar coma :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  4. These look absolutely divine! Is there a reason you use raw cashews?

    1. I used raw cashews as that is what I typically have on hand, I am sure roasted would work equally as well- if the roasted cashews are pre salted I would skip the salt called for in the recipe :)

  5. Oooh, those nuts look dangerous! I think if I made them they might not make it far from the oven. And you are so lucky to have mountains and good hiking areas nearby -- we have a park down the road from us, but it turns winter walks into sloppy, sludgy trudging. Not a lot of fun, to say the least. I can't wait for spring and warmer weather so I can get out and move again. Winter has definitely taken its tole on my fitness level this year!

    1. I had to stop making them or else Justin and I were no longer gonna fit into our pants! We are definitely lucky to have so many options for hiking it is one of the things I love most about this area - I cannot wait for spring so I can start planting the garden!

  6. I usually make a batch of spiced nuts around the holidays, but I don't know why I don't do it more often! I'm always tempted to try a new flavour combination, by my favourite is always a simple cinnamon-sugar combo with vanilla like yours! I tried snowshoeing for the first time this winter and got to see some moose tracks (but not the animal itself)

    1. Cinnamon Sugar is definitely tried and true, I bet a hit of dried chipotle would be really good!


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