
Monday, February 20, 2012

creamy asparagus + red potato soup

creamy asparagus + red potato soup
i can feel it
can you?

spring wants to be here - it really does

i can't tell you how happy that makes me
this weekend i had to resist the urge to trudge through our half frozen, half thawed still a mud & ice arena in one back yard- all i wanted was to go sit, stare and day dream in my garden

justin reported that about two thirds of the garden is free from snow
that is a good thing - the best news of the weekend

for me, the tell tale sign that spring is on its way- asparagus
it has been popping up at the market
i can't resist - even though it is not local, it is still oh so good

with spring and summer knocking on the door i am brushing up on my simple is better recipes
typically all you need is a few good quality ingredients to make a wonderful meal

this translates to more time in the garden when the season finally decides to arrive

this recipe my friends,  is considered exactly that
simpleness at its best

creamy asparagus + red potato soup
red potatoes with their skin still on creates a beautiful soup speckled red
asparagus is the body of the soup
lemon, well lemon pulls them together
harmonizing and livening the flavors of this simple soup
creamy asparagus + red potato soup

salt & pepper are the only seasoning needed
 a little crunch from pepitas & sunflower seeds make it perfect

creamy asparagus + red potato soupcreamy asparagus + red potato soup

the first time i made this soup i used straight water
the second time around i had some extra  mushroom broth that i used with water
both versions were good
feel free to use what you have on hand
creamy asparagus + red potato soup
after the soup is pureed with an immersion blender
juice from a lemon is squeezed over the soup and simply stirred in

you won't find any fancy thrills here - only amazing tasting soup

creamy asparagus + red potato soupcreamy asparagus + red potato soup

keep it simple
keep it wholesome
make it with the hopes that spring will soon reappear
creamy asparagus + red potato soup
served with maitake mushroom crostini - recipe coming!
the makings of an impromptu lunch you should definitely invite your mom over for
creamy asparagus + red potato soup

Creamy Asparagus & Red Potato Soup
serves 6

you will need:

1 3/4 cups mushroom broth
3 1/4 cup water
(4 cups liquid total)

1 bunch fresh asparagus trimmed and cut into 1 inch pieces
(approximately 1lb)

2 large red potatoes, scrubbed and cubed

juice of 1 lemon

salt & pepper to taste

1 tsp olive oil

pepitas & sunflower seeds for garnishing


wash the asparagus, trimming the ends & cutting into 1-inch pieces
scrub potatoes & cube

over medium heat in a medium soup pot or dutch oven add olive oil & asparagus
saute for 1 minute
add potatoes & liquid

bring to a boil
cover and reduce to a simmer, cook for 20-25 minutes or until asparagus & potatoes are fork tender

remove from heat, on a stable surface with an immersion blender, blend soup until smooth or desired consistency is reached
(if you do not have an immersion blender simply blend in a blender with the top vented & vented area covered with a kitchen towel - blend in small batches)

return to low heat
add the juice of 1 lemon and stir

ladle into bowls, season with salt & pepper
garnish with pepitas & sunflower seeds



  1. red potatoes and asparagus are such a great pairing. i think dayv might actually like this soup..i think i should make it!

    1. You are so fast at the Comments Caitlin :) I think you should make it too, along with your Sunshine Burgers- YUM!

  2. I don't think that we ever even had winter here in southern California this season! We skipped it and seemingly went right into spring...which is why I have some asparagus in the fridge, waiting to be used in this soup :) I cannot wait for that crostini recipe either, you big tease!

    1. I have been dreaming of California weather; you are one lucky girl to have beautiful weather year round :)

      Wednesday = Crostini!

    2. to the people from warm California, you are not allowed to comment about how you dont get winter :P :D

      blogger is getting so non friendly with 2 captchas for comments these days!

    3. lol- you said it, i definitely thought it as I was running to my car against a wall of 10 degree wind whipping off the lake!

      I noticed that too;I wonder why the change?

    4. I hear ya ladies. Just yesterday, it was a freezing 64 degrees in the house! IN THE HOUSE. You know what that means for outside??? That is was probably about 59!

      bahahahahahahaha! SUCKERS....

    5. Oh Cara 64; that is like the tropics at our house in the Winter - average temp inside my house around 60-62; I very much dislike paying for oil, and well you already know how I feel about woodstoves :)

      I can almost hear your evil laugh from across the country!

  3. Simple recipes are often the best, especially when you can get fresh, good quality ingredients like this! This soup sounds like the perfect transition from winter to spring!

    1. I totally agree and this soup totally makes me long for Warm Spring Days!

      They are almost here, I swear I can feel it :)

  4. yumm i think that mushroom broth would be more wonderful than plain water in this pretty soup! oh yes, spring is slowly creeping up.. and more so with that pretty pink background on that awesome board.. did u paint/stain that?

    1. Thanks Richa; both ways were definitely wonderful but the mushroom broth was a little more special!

      So the background was a little experiment; I have been searching for rustic boards for backgrounds and
      A. could not really find any to my liking
      B. Lack the Storage space for a million backgrounds (especially true once the mudroom is finished & functional)
      C. Can be cumbersome to move and navigate

      sooo my solution; Photography Backgrounds; check out the link, I wasn't sure if I was going to like them, but after using them this weekend I LOVE them!

    2. i have gone to prop heaven! Thank you heather!! i dont think hubbs is going to thank you :D

    3. You are so welcome! ...the twofers are the best deals; you can justify that you bough 4 for the price of 2 right? at least that was my argument :)

  5. Mmmm! I'm not sure there is a better combination for spring than asparagus & lemon. Delicious.

    Beautiful photos!!! Love the colours :)

    And I totally agree. Unless you've lived somewhere where you can get frost bite in under 30 cannot complain. *hehe*

    1. I had luagh at frost bite in 30 seconds; so true!

      The colors, I am totally in love with; this was so much fun to photograph; the fresh lemon turns a plain jane soup into a Diva!

  6. Looks scrumptious this soup does - it's cold and wet here so definitely craving some with crusty bread :D

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. Crusty Bread, oh how do I love thee; so yum , especially with this soup!

  7. "Can you feel it?" Yes! I have been begging for spring these past few days. Even though it's been such a mild winter, I'm ready for the back yard to be inviting again.
    And that soup looks great! I never used to like asparagus (used to pick it from 6am until noon, and the day would get so hot, and the bugs were aweful, and my hands and clothes smelled of asparagus all the time) but I've recently begun to appreciate it for what it is - food, not torture. :P
    I can honestly say I think I would love this soup - asparagus and all. I'll definitely give this a try the next time I get some!

    1. Me too; I have been dreaming about seeds, flowers and fresh veggies from the Garden! Not to mention the Summer CSA & Farmers Markets :)

      Oh my; did your family grow asparagus or did you work on a farm? I am not sure if I would be a huge fan of asparagus if I had a job or chore like you did!

    2. My neighbors had a plot of asparagus... for some reason... I always feel a little bad when I buy it in the store because I know that however much it costs per lb., the farmers are getting paid less than that. Although, I suppose that's true with all produce, you just have to grow a lot of it to be worthwhile. Still, better to support local whenever possible!

    3. I *just* made this... as in, sitting here, polishing off my second bowl full. It is so good! I wasn't even planning to make it tonight, but I saw the asparagus in the store and was just too inspired to pass it up. I love how simple it is, and that squeeze of lemon at the end just brightens the whole thing up.
      Next time I make it I might add a sprig of rosemary just for a little something extra, but as it is this soup is pretty fabulous.
      Check it out:

    4. I am so happy you made the soup and enjoyed it! I had to literally pack it away in the freezer before I ate the entire batch!

      Love the photos on Flickr too!

  8. I miss having fresh herbs just steps away from my kitchen...spring can't arrive too soon :) Your soup looks fabulous...I adore asparagus!

    1. Fresh Herbs, I miss those so much straight from my backyard!

  9. This was super tasty, Heather! I just had this for my dinner tonight. Thanks for the awesome recipe. xo

    1. Awesome ; I am so happy you had the chance to try out the soup and liked it!

      Still a bit jealous of the fact you have local asparagus :)...and sunshine

    2. Does the fact that it was 79 degrees out at one point on my drive home from work help at all? hehehe. I am evil.

  10. Hello! I made the soup today with some additional herbs including parsley, oregano and basil. Liked it very much! Thank you!

    1. I had it with Kimchi and it was really good!

    2. The Kimchi sounds like it would be amazing with this soup - thank you so much for trying out the recipe and letting me know how you liked it - the additional herbs are a great addition!

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