
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

maikate mushroom crostini

maikate mushroom crostini
my love affair with bread continues
in the form of a crostini - little toasts
so cute

you can virtually put anything on a crostini and it would be good
and you look will look pretty fancy bringing a tray of crostini to your next get together

bread + veggies = love
or in this case
bread + maitake mushrooms = wow!

i LOVE finding new ingredients  - i have never seen maitake mushrooms before
sunflower had just happened to start carrying these new mushrooms
i was super excited; the pain au chocolate i was going to attempt to make this weekend went out the door, and in came the humble mushroom crostini
humble, however totally flavorful and fancy pants because its served on a crostini

maikate mushroom crostini
crostini's are my go to party app; there is allot less harassing when you bring these
why? because they are familiar

people like familiar

some don't like mushrooms; well then, that's too bad- they can wipe off the mushrooms and go to town with the toasted bread

dried maitake mushrooms aka dancing mushroom or hen of the woods, baby bella & fresh oregano are the base of our crostini

ciabatta bread is thinly sliced, drizzled with olive oil and broiled until golden brown

then finished with a bit of celtic sea salt

maikate mushroom crostinimaikate mushroom crostini

the maitake mushrooms are paired with baby bellas
any combination of mushrooms would work

thyme or rosemary would also be a good substitute for the oregano
maikate mushroom crostini

the maitake are soaked for about 30 minutes - make sure you rinse and trim the mushrooms well prior to soaking; they can be a bit sandy
the broth can be saved and used in soups

maikate mushroom crostinimaikate mushroom crostini

i could totally ditch the mushrooms and go straight for the bread
but that wouldn't be fair to the mushrooms and we would definitely be missing out on some goodness

maikate mushroom crostini

sauteed mushrooms & oregano top the crostini
& sprinkled with celtic sea salt

maikate mushroom crostinimaikate mushroom crostini

almost too pretty to eat

maikate mushroom crostinimaikate mushroom crostini

a perfect accompaniment to a bowl of soup
maikate mushroom crostini
maikate mushroom crostini

show up with these cute lil' crostini and you will be the hit of the party
they may even let you sing dancing queen towards the end of the night

maikate mushroom crostinimaikate mushroom crostini
these travel well and taste wonderful at room temperature
if travelling a long distance place the mushroom mixture and bread separately and assemble on site
don't forget the salt, salt helps the flavors of the mushrooms pop
very important- don't forget the salt
write it on your hand if you have too
maikate mushroom crostini
Maitake Mushroom Crostini
makes 6  ~ easily doubled

you will need:

6 slices of ciabatta bread - 1/4 - 1/2 inch thin
1 1/4 cups dried maitake mushrooms ~ rinsed & trimmed well
2 cups of water to soak maitake
2 cups sliced baby bella mushrooms
1 tbsp fresh oregano - woody stems removed
1 tbsp + 1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp celtic sea salt or other good sea salt

rinse & trim the maitake - in a medium bowl soak in 2 cups of water for at least 30 minutes

slice ciabatta bread and drizzle slices with 1 tbsp olive oil
place on a rimmed baking sheet and broil on low until golden brown
remove from oven and set aside

over medium/high heat in a large saute pan add 1 tsp olive oil and baby bellas
saute until golden brown, add maitake mushrooms - cutting larger pieces to bite size if needed
saute for about 2 minutes & add oregano - cook for another minute

remove from heat

top each crostini with 2 tbsp of mushroom mixture
sprinkle with celtic sea salt



  1. I've never tried maitake mushrooms, but I love mushrooms and these look really tasty. This is my kind of comfort food. :)

    1. My kind of comfort food too!

      Maitake was a first for me; I LOVE mushrooms and these definitely did not dissapoint :)

  2. i DIE for mushrooms. these little crostinis look SO unbelievably delicious. i have never had maikate mushrooms..but omg..i really gotta get on that!

  3. "Humblle... but totally fancy pants" HAHA! I agree - crostini is probably the simplest thing to turn into a fancy hors d'oeuvre. I am a huge fan of mushrooms, too... I can just imagine it alongside that asparagus soup! Yum!

    1. I love how versatile crostini's are!

      They were definitely the perfect pair

      soup + crostini = love :)

  4. I've never been a big fan of mushrooms (I used to pick them off my pizza), but that's probably because the ones I've tried aren't usually the good quality ones, cooked well... Maybe this crostini would change my mind about mushrooms :)

    1. Give it a try you might be pleasantly surprised :)

      Those canned mushrooms some pizza shops use are dreadful; those would make a mushroom of non mushroom lover cringe!

  5. I have never noticed dried maitake mushrooms, but will look for them the next time I hit the Asian supermarket. Love your photos!

    1. I have never seen them either; so I was super excited when I ran across them at Sunflower. I have heard of hen of the woods but didn't realize the mushroom had so many different names including Maikate!

  6. i hadnt heard of maikate shrooms uptil now.. the crostini looks fabulous.. and the board.. drrool:)
    i love me some nicely browned up mushrooms on my bread anyday!

    1. I have my eye on a couple other boards for that site....I am trying to be patient, I still have one more board I haven't used yet!

  7. Maitake mushrooms are new to me. I do love crostinis and I like I think I'd love this! I bet it would be delicious with a bowl of veggie onion soup! mmmmm! Now I need a bread (carb) fix! lol

    1. LOL I always need a card fix!

      I am so glad I am not alone with never hearing of the maikate mushroom; I had a nightmare when I posted this that everyone would have already been on the maikate mushroom bandwagon " like so 1999" :)

  8. Wish I could try some of these maitake mushrooms, but I can't find them here. Maybe I should look harder! :)
    What's the texture like, I wonder? Are they chewy or tender? Love how you heaped a whole pile of mushrooms on each crostini! Yumyum, I could eat a whole lot of those!

    1. They are also referred to as Hen in the Woods which is what I had known them as before hearing them being called Maikate; They are a bit chewy which is a nice contrast to the more soft in texture baby bella - I LOVE mushrooms, hence the heaping; we don't mess around with the mushroom to bread ratio at SMBP :)

  9. “bread + maitake mushrooms” I love this combination. It definitely seems appetizing! I haven’t tried putting maitake mushrooms in any dish because I’ve always used white mushrooms and flats. I’m going to try this tomorrow morning. I think this would make a great breakfast meal with some hot choco or tea.

  10. Very cute recipe!
    My husband and I had a good and tasty evening, mushrooms are our love! thanks :)
    In addition to your recipe, we also indulged in magic mushrooms :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

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