Thursday, September 21, 2017

back to basics ~ avocado toasts

Avocado Toasts-2

If you find yourself looking for a  savory breakfast or healthy afternoon snack this avocado toast has you covered.  Aside from being super simple to make, it’s packed with healthy fats from the avocado and only takes minutes to prepare; it’s a win - win for all.

Avocado Toasts

These are definitely best eaten the day they are made, however Justin and I enjoyed leftovers the day after and they were still pretty decent!

Avocado Toasts-3

Spicy Avocado Toast
Serves 2 for breakfast or 4 as a snack

You will need:

2 ripe avocados- skin removed, pitted + mashed
4 slices crusty bread or bread of your choosing - lightly toasted
½ tsp ground turmeric (⅛ tsp each toast)
½ tsp crushed dried red pepper (⅛ tsp each toast)
High quality flaky sea salt


Slice each avocado in half, remove the pit and scoop the avocado into a bowl. Mash with a fork.
Lightly toast 4 slices of bread
Evenly divide mashed avocado between the 4 slices of toasted bread and spread to cover toast
Sprinkle each avocado toast with turmeric, dried red pepper and sea salt
Serve immediately




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